How can we understand mortality? Where is the origin? Which iconographic codes and vanitas still life symbols are still anchored in the collective memory? And what can a contemporary still life by a feminine artist look like when women are supposedly on the verge of equality and patriarchy is crumbling?
Mariella Kerscher’s artistic work is concerned with providing access to the often-taboo matter of natural transience. She works with symbols of collective memory (wilting flowers, dilapidated houses) and deals with attributes of birth and death that are still unfamiliar, such as the placenta. Mariella Kerscher collects and dissects organic elements in order to preserve them in her works. The fragments are replicated and combined to create ornamental structures. An infinite cycle forms: growth, mutation, death, growth.
Mariella Kerscher
*1991 in Augsburg
lives and works in Munich // Member of SALOON Munich, BBK Munich, GEDOK MUC and Kunstverein Munich

2010 - 2016 Academy of Fine Arts Munich
2016 - 2017 Academy of Fine Arts Munich Projectclass

grants / scholarships / residencies
Artist Residency in Motherhood (Lagun, CUR)
VEPA Tower Prize, Munich
since 2024: Residency & Mentoring by Gretta Louw x Curt Wills foundation
since 2023: Scholarship Werksviertel-Mitte Stiftung Projekt gGmbH 
Appreciation in the category "Young Talents", Art Award Augsburg County (three-dimensional)
Grant Sitftung Kunstfonds, Neustart Kultur
Grant Stipendienprogramm des Freistaats Bayern „Junge Kunst und neue Wege“
Summeracademy Salzburg (AT), Nadira Husain & Flora Klein
Scholarship, Summer training for emerging artists, by The Artist and the Others (ND) & Platform Munich (DE) 
Belgrade Art Studio Online Residency (RS)
Scholarship, City of Augsburg 

exhibitions / publications

solo exhibitions
Nourished, curated by Marie Meixnerová, Gallery XY, Olomouc (CZ) 
Nourished, curated by Marie Meixnerová, Vitrina Densika, Olomouc (CZ) 
Artist Statement, Parallel Vienna, Vienna (AT)
placentaverse, nodepressionroom, Munich (DE)
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it​​​​​​​, galerie asterisk* (DE)
Never change a running system, galerie asterisk* (DE)

group exhibtions 
Radiant Currents, curated by Gretta Louw, Curt Wills foundation x Saloon Munich, Collectors Atelier Pullach, Munich
FLUT, H1 Glaspalast, Augsburg
PELAGIAL, curated by Mariana Sesma, Seidlvilla, Munich
„Alles ist mit allem verbunden…“, Kunstraum Leitershofen
Blößen, Gedok Galerie, Munich
Blickfang, curated by Jan T. Wilms, Kunsthaus Kaufbeuren
Par(i)ty with us, AquabitArt Gallery, Berlin
studio studies, Collectors Atelier x Curt Wills foundation, Pullach
ECHTzeit, xpon-art gallery, Hamburg
ARORA (#MakeUsVisible), DTZ conference 2023 Brampton/Toronto, Canada (CA)
"Let nothing disturb you", curated by Cordula Gielen, Saloon Munich x Schwere Reiter, Munich
Apfelflug vom Stamm (im Kollektiv K&K), Galerie der Künstler:innen, Munich
"alles immer jetzt", Galerie der Künstler:innen, Munich
74. Große Schwäbische Kunstausstellung, Glaspalast, Augsburg
Papierzauber, Galerie Probst, Berlin
#MakeUsVisible x denkFEmale, Munich
Many Titles, Galerie Probst, Berlin
Playing with Nature, Akademie für politische Bildung, Tutzing 
bleary, Welcome 1, Gedok Gallery, Munich (duo)
Sharing, Galerie der Künstler, Munich
HTSSNASS:S.COLLECTION.2021, Super BOOKS, Haus der Kunst, Munich
"Wartezimmer"(Kollektiv: Studio Winter), Kunstlabor Munich
Aufstehen, Galerie der Künstler, Munich
27. Aichacher Kunstpreis, SanDepot-Halle, Aichach
Widerstand, curated by Jan T. Wilms, Kunsthaus Kaufbeuren
Verflechtungen, Schäfer-Kunstpreis, Kunstverein Schwabmünchen
Strömung VIII, Kunst Block Balve, Munich
Nur mit uns, Galerie der Künstler, Munich
26. Aichacher Kunstpreis, SanDepot-Halle, Aichach
71. Große Schwäbische Kunstausstellung, Glaspalast, Augsburg
70. Große Schwäbische Kunstausstellung, Augsburg
Alpengedöns, curated by Victoria Ulmschneider, Villa Jauss, Oberstdorf
33. Schwäbische Grafikausstellung, Senden
Kult-Kunst, Krumbach
69. Große Schwäbische Kunstausstellung, Augsburg
Billboard by Student Art Collective, Akademie Galerie, Munich
Jahresausstellung der Akademie der Bildenden Künste Munich
Notel, curated by Michael Hofstetter, former Hotel Prinzregent, Munich
Rein & Raus, Jahresausstellung der Akademie der Bildenden Künste München
ZentRal 6039, Alter Botanischer Garten München
Plauen Nachwuchswettbewerb für Handzeichnungen, Plauen
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